Deep thoughts on doppleganger. That's one I want to read soon. The personal angle she took with it makes me want to see what insights are there. What I've already picked up, from other reviews, suggests that the doppleganger thing is much more than a gimmick, as I might have thought. And giving up privacy and personal data to make the platforms run smoother... "Give me convenience or give me death", The Dead Kennedys said. Even truer today. I think perhaps the capitalists and tech-lords are going to be panicking soon. Because everyone can see they've past Peak Information, and there's no new innovation coming that can sustain the business models. So people are becoming skeptical, on mass, that it's worth it, these platforms and web 3 and whatever other bullshit. After a certain point, they can't be bought off with perceived convenience. Matt Christman also talked about the "frictionless" ideal. Another part of your review reminded me of the late great Michael Brooks [it was E's idea to name our car after him]: "Be kind to people and ruthless with institutions". It's nice to get a more developed sense of how you think, through your writing, because I can see more clearly how we share a large ellipse in our world views. I feel a vital need becoming more and moreso, as more decades happen in these years: the need to talk with people who think about these things, and the near-future, and bounce ideas of of them. My interactions on social media with strangers have not worked for me, for whatever reason, it tends to feel too shallow. Come visit!

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just came back for a closer read of this post. i started the audiobook of doppelganger this morning, and remembered that it was a post of yours that caused me to make note to check it out in the first place. excited to keep listening to it, wanted to say thanks for that!

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